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2015-10-10 15:33| 发布者: admin | 查看:

摘要: 家长都希望我能帮助他们的孩子们写出光彩夺目的短文,进入哈佛,创造奇迹。WQ就是其中一例。WQ是深圳外国语的学生,最大的特点是在深圳电视台当过少儿节目的主持人。我对她最大的贡献 ...
      家长都希望我能帮助他们的孩子们写出光彩夺目的短文,进入哈佛,创造奇迹。WQ就是其中一例。WQ是深圳外国语的学生,最大的特点是在深圳电视台当过少儿节目的主持人。我对她最大的贡献就是通过面对面沟通帮助整合并决定了素材。当时她爸爸写了她所有的重大成就,就是列举了作为主持人她采访了哪些名人。 我看了一下,有腾讯公司总裁、香港特首,都是大人物,但是我没有看出来这些采访怎样成为她的essays 素材。幸好我问了一下,为什么要采访妇联主席。WQ回答说,妇联主席当时把他们召去说,你们是深圳的学生,条件好,但是我国有2000多万留守儿童,他们得到的关怀少,你们能否去采访一下?深圳电视台的记者,包括WQ,就去了甘肃。


The most remarkable thing about myself is that I have been exposed to and involved in the most pressing issues regarding Chinese young people. 作为央视少儿频道的主持人,我采访了全国妇联主席顾秀莲,而采访稿的核心内容留守儿童让我baffled。我慢慢了解到留守儿童是指“因为父母双方或一方长期在外地打工而没有办法回家,一般同爷爷奶奶或者同单亲住,甚至自己住的孩子被称为留守儿童。这些孩子们大都分布在甘肃和四川。”中国存在着2000万的留守儿童,而当我问及父母师友他们也对“留守儿童”也知之甚少。在《世纪之痛》这个报告文学中,留守儿童是一群没有希望的孩子,他们造成了这个社会90%以上的青少年犯罪案件,涉及毒品、性交易、盗窃、杀人等,当然还有抑郁和自杀。面对这样的报道,我想了解留守儿童的是不是真的是这样,我们应该如何去帮助他们。

This Is Hope

I have a unique perspective on the most pressing issues regarding Chinese youth. As a teenage MC for the children’s channel on CCTV, I once interviewed the Chairperson of the All-China Federation of Women, Ms. Gu Xiulian, who suggested that I inform the public of the plight of rural children left behind by parents who migrate for work. I have since been in a position to observe and help address the dire situation of "left-behind children ". This issue was new to me so I asked around, but hardly anyone, including my teachers and parents, knew much about this issue and neither did they seem to care. After an investigation, I learned that these children are left at home with their grandparents or relatives or even all alone. The number of such children in China, 20,000,000, is shocking, and most are in Gansu and Sichuan Provinces. 
In most people’s eyes these children are hopeless. The general public views them as more likely to  be involved in crime, the sex trade, drugs, thefts, killings and other such societal problems. In spite of such prejudice, I wanted to understand the real situation of these tens of millions of my fellow citizens.
So, I convinced the director of our program to film an episode at FangPo Primary School in Gansu Province, because most of the students in this school are “left-behind” children. To better understand their lives, I lived with a student named Dong Wangxia. 
Most of these children thirst for knowledge. On the first day Wangxia and I walked to school, long before we arrived at her school we heard the loud sound of reading. It was the first time I ever saw two hundred children reading together. They sat on the steps in front of the classroom reading Chinese, English even Math loudly, not supervised by their teachers. Wangxia told me that they volunteered to come early every morning to read, and many of her classmates’ homes were far from school, so they had to start before dawn and walk two or three hours down the treacherous mountain roads to school.
These children confront poverty with positive attitudes. With their parents missing they are left with lots of work around the farm. Wangxia must feed pigs, go to the fields and do house work. Once I went with Wangxia to the field to plant corn sprouts. It was rather repetitive and tiring work and it made my back ache after just one hour. Wangxia, however, was skilled and could lay them for hours with no breaks. Children here work in shabby shoes in the mud, drenched in sweat as they work, their coarse hands covered with scars, yet they do not lose themselves in all these burdens. On the contrary, they work and study harder.
After work, Wangxia would accompany me to the top of the mountain to appreciate the marvelous view of the Loess Plateau or lead me to a pond to catch tadpoles. Nor did Wangxia take us for granted, she even put on her only pair of nice trousers, usually reserved for Chinese New Year, to welcome us. 
We held a class meeting to ask students about their dreams. Wangxia’s hope is to be enrolled by her dream university, and Chen Ying’s is to go to university and come back to change her hometown while Chen Tao’s is to become a teacher to help more children get access to education. They dreamt of careers as doctors, soldiers, drivers etc… Whether ambitious or practical, their dreams had one constant theme—change. They expected to change their lives, their hometown or at least their family situation.
The reality about these “left-behind” children impressed me. Most are good kids and they, not just the children in Beijing and Shanghai, are the future of our nation. I gave an English lesson to them, because they do not have an English teacher and have had to teach themselves this foreign language. 
   The entire trip was filmed by CCTV (China Central Television) and was made into a feature program called “Watching the soul of latchkey kids”. It was recently broadcast by NHK (the Japanese Broadcasting Corporation) and was scheduled to air by ABC.  These media institutions were so inspired that they planned to further report on these children next year. I hope my program helped them to feel less alone, because they know their experiences are shared by millions of other “left-behind” children. 
   My interest did not come to an end after the filming. I wanted to raise funds for FangPo primary school. I put the pictures of my trip and the life of these children up in my high school and gave speeches about what I saw to any and everybody who would listen. My classmates and I put together around 60 thousand RMB, enough to build a computer center with dozens of computers for the students at Fang Po. 
   This trip inspired me. I realized that one can take advantage of the media to do meaningful things and contribute to the development of Chinese culture and society. My program will help the world understand how this nation is changing and how social problems must be confronted. I dare not say I understand the universal love of humanity, but this experience helped me understand the broader meaning of the word “love”. I want to become an intellectual with love. Without universal love, the most advanced scientific technology will not save mankind from the consequences of the callous and indifferent attitude towards our fellow human beings.



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