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2016-06-21 16:31| 发布者: admin | 查看:

摘要: 很多有音乐特色的学生在提交自己的文书的时候,很高的背景资历,但是因为关注点不准确,描述就会产生偏差,使得招生官一头雾水,这个时候如何抓住自己艺术发展上的心路历 ...



Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you?
Every young girl has her private wonderland, a source of joy, courage and refuge. For someone, it is grandfather’s vegetable garden or mother’s wardrobe. For me, that happy place was the music school, both the physical place and the things which it has represented throughout my life.
I remember walking into the school that first day, and the sheer awe I felt upon seeing and hearing so many different kinds of musical instruments. I was immediately thrilled by the way the notes jumped out when horns blew, strings plucked and keys clicked. As the tranquil conservatory awoke, in many ways so did I. Fascinated by the many mysterious sounds, I chose one of the more traditional, the Guzheng, a large zither-like instrument.
“Do things with passion!” was the first lesson I learnt in the music school. At first, I just practiced the Guzheng endlessly, practicing the same pieces the same way, wanting so badly to “get it right.” My diligence seemingly worked, as within a month I could play several melodies completely. One day, though, while I was lost in my own “fluency,” my teacher interrupted me to say, “Your music is dead. I can hear your skill, but nothing from your heart.” I was shocked at first, but after thinking about it, I had to admit she was right. For such a long time, I had just been mechanically repeating each new piece of music, trying merely to be correct in my imitation and reduce my mistakes. From then on, though, I tried to fill my music with more emotion.
Some time later, I chose a piece called Lady Meng Jiang. The story is set during the Qin Dynasty, and involves the separation of Lady Meng Jiang from her husband, who is sent by imperial officials as Corvee labor to build the Great Wall. Lady Meng Jiang's grief at her husband’s subsequent death supposedly causes a section of the wall to collapse. The difficulty of the piece is in trying to express this legendary grief sincerely. But in the piece I discovered emotions that transcended grief. I felt the character’s implacable will, perseverance and resentment of authority, and with my teacher’s encouragement, I strove to express this complexity when I played. For the first time, music became a medium for the true expression of my feelings.
The conservatory also taught me about cooperation. In my junior year, I was appointed to lead a ten-person team to perform at our school’s annual dance contest. Initially, I served as the performance’s choreographer, director, costume designer and faculty-student liaison. Despite my diligent efforts, though, we met with a number of difficulties. My team complained about conflicts between practice and their regular coursework and about the dance and costume design. Their negative attitude enraged and disappointed me.
At one point, quite despondent, I went to my music school and played a passionate melody on the guzheng. Feeling better, I suddenly noticed the calluses on each of my fingers, earned by years of practicing my instrument. I thought about the impossibility of playing any beautiful or passionate melody with only one finger, and how much of the conflict I was dealing with stemmed from my trying to control so much of the process. The next day, I discussed this revelation with my team and began delegating most of tasks I had previously taken upon myself. Fortunately, the team was quite receptive and energetic about increasing their participation. Two months later, we earned first prize in the contest and embraced each other warmly.
My music conservatory is my secret garden, for it has witnessed my happiness and sorrows. While I am no longer the naïve little girl who first stepped inside, the music school will always inspire me to try to be a little better every day.



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